Sunday, March 28, 2010


Let me make sure I understand this. Since the president's inauguration the hue and cry has been that those who speak out against the policies of Barak Obama are racists. This argument is an attempt to emotionally hamstring and silence opposing views. No one wants to be accused of being a racists.

As a child of the 60’s, I remember all too well the violence that held our country in a chokehold. I witnessed it firsthand. I have also seen those tensions relegated to the history books as Caucasians have, on the whole, moved beyond racist attitudes.

But let us hold onto that thought for a moment; that to oppose President Obama is to proclaim one’s racist ways. There is a political reason to prop up such propaganda, but for those out there who hold fast to this dogma, let us see how it stands up to scrutiny.

This week the international press reported over and over again how Barak Obama deeply humiliated Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. The issue? Israel’s construction of homes in a largely Arab section of her capital city, Jerusalem.

Given the premise that to oppose a national leader’s policies constitutes racism, must it therefore follow that President Obama is an anti-Semite? Clearly he opposes Netanyahu’s position on Jewish settlements. Further, by demanding that these settlements cease, Barak Obama insists on racial segregation: keeping peoples apart rather than bringing them together in community—a throwback to failed American policy over the last two centuries.

To add further injury to insult, our commander-in-chief refused to dine with Jews, Benjamin Netanyau and his staff. How else could this rude behavior be interpreted other than as anti-Semitic?

Following the established pattern, that opposition to a national leader is a clear and present indication of racism, then I guess we must also confess that the president of the United States is guilty of anti-Semitism.

The shoe is now firmly on the other foot and it feels quite uncomfortable.

I did not make these racist rules, the Left did. I did not start the folderal that to oppose a leader’s policies is equal to being a racist. I am however, applying the same political reason they have promoted, which of course, demonstrates no reason at all.

So let us be done with this once and for all! Those who speak out against the policies of Barak Obama or the Democrats are not racists lashing out from a place of emotional desperation. To falsely accuse fellow Americans of such behavior only casts a dark cloud on those who profess such shallow nonsense.

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