Tuesday, March 30, 2010


During the 2008 campaign, the charge routinely levelled against the Republican ticket was that a vote for McCain-Palin was a vote for 4-more years of failed Bush policies.

Let’s see if we can identify a few of those dreaded policies which had to be avoided:
  1. "Out-of-control" deficit spending
  2. That dreaded Patriot Act that infringed on American privacy
  3. Too many secret meetings and back-room deals conducted behind closed doors
  4. Unilateral decision-making that negatively affected our allies
  5. Excessive use of Executive Orders
  6. Holding enemy combatants in a Guantanamo prison (instead of a mainland prison)
  7. An Oval Office that acted in spite of the will of the populace
  8. Escalating war efforts in Afghanistan
  9. A chief executive who used the process of reconciliation to get its way
  10. A president who spent his time on everything BUT jobs
  11. A president who avoided press conferences
  12. And others
What was the political reason for avoiding John Sidney McCain, again? Now that President Barak Hussein Obama has been in office, aren’t we glad we avoided more-of-the-same for all that “hope and change?”

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