Saturday, September 12, 2009


A follow up to He's Naked.

Appropriately, following the Honorable Joe Wilson's proclamation Wednesday night that President Obama was lying, the White House seems to be trying to do the right thing. According to an MSNBC report, the Administration is quietly acknowledging (late on a Friday night when the press has largely closed down for the weekend) that under the current legislation, illegal aliens do qualify for public healthcare.

Under new provisions introduced, except for emergency room treatment, getting healthcare will require proof of citizenship.

Bravo Mr. Obama. Albeit under the radar, you're trying to do the right thing. Perhaps you owe Representative Wilson — and the American people — an apology now? Someone on camera was lying, Mr. President, and it was not the congressman from South Carolina. Decorum was certainly transgressed, sir, but it started with the Chief Executive Officer.

Regardless, even these concessions to the facts will prove controversial and problematic for the Administration. Forcing citizens to carry papers proving their citizenship may overstep the constitutional authority of the Tenth Amendment. Will ensuring that no illegals get doctor appointments on the public doll require that all Americans carry federal identification?

That too, is rife with strife.

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