Sunday, September 20, 2009


I had been concerned with impending inflation. As the government powers up the printing presses I am reminded that streaming fresh greenbacks into any economy has always lead to inflation.

But I am not worried about inflation eating away my standard of living, nor my ability to buy the necessities for my family. It will not matter whether prices go up, my personal income is positioned take a serious hit.

I started doing a little math.

The Bush tax cuts end this year, with no hope of renewal. That's going to cost me. Cap and Trade is estimated to cost my household about $3,100 per year. The administration plans to make my health insurance benefits taxable at an approximate cost of another grand. There are whispers in the dark of raising gasoline taxes and my governor says we are going to have to raise state income tax.

Let us see how that works out:

- $1,200 less from Bush tax cuts
- $3,100 less for cap and trade
- $1,000 more in taxes on my health insurance
- $5,300 less money . . .

$5,300 fewer dollars for my family, which does not take into account what may or may not happen with gas for my car or state income taxes.

How should I feel about that? How should my family feel? Where is the political reason?

This is not scaremongering on my part. These are facts, mathematical realities which sadly, scare me.

Now, what happens if inflation does rear its ugly head?

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