Sunday, May 2, 2010


On May 1, the news was rich with stories of legal and illegal Hispanics marching to protest Arizona's tough stand on illegal immigrants. The media report that "thousands" added their voices in opposition to Arizona's law, legislation which is being considered as well in Texas and California. At issue is the notion that anyone in the U.S.A. being asked to "present papers, please," stirs up memories of Nazi Europe.

But while our politicians are planning boycotts and rallying to oppose Arizona, they are speaking out of both sides of their mouths—again.

While this state law is being opposed on the streets, The Hill reports that our federal legislators on April 30, presented their own plan for a Federal I.D. card. Appointed the "BELIEVE SYSTEM," every citizen of this great nation of ours will be required to present this digitally encrypted ID card, a kind of government permission slip for employment, medical care, and so on. The card will absolutley represent you the individual as your fingerprint is digitally represented.

Please do not miss that: every citizen will be fingerprinted, a privilege hitherto only reserved for criminals who have been stripped of their liberties by the State.

So while Arizona is being lambasted for Nazism, the real socialists are busy in the nation's capital. While you're distracted by what's taking place out West, the East encroaches deeper into your life. While we are being warned of the dangers of Nazi-style identification by the left, the left is planning to require them of all citizens.

There is political reason behind this move in Washington, but is the BELIEVE SYSTEM hope and change you can believe in?

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