Sunday, March 28, 2010


I received this note from a friend of mine this week, and share it now with you.—J. H.

“In my youth, there were groups of passionate protestors who believed that their national leaders were taking America down the wrong path. They feared that the federal government had taken their rights away, was becoming too powerful, and was flat out ignoring what the people wanted. They went to rallies, they shouted to the rooftops, and even though they were ridiculed by the leaders and the media, they ultimately brought about political change.

“Today, those protesters are in Congress and the White House. They are making sweetheart deals above our heads, they belittle those who disagree with them, and they ignore those who protest. CNN says 56% of Americans believe the government has become so powerful, it is an immediate threat to our rights and freedoms.

“I guess we become what we fear. And I fear what we have become.”

—A. Bartmess

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